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Helping providers prepare for the new Accountability Framework

Helping providers prepare for the new Accountability Framework

From April 2022, the Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) will be monitoring apprenticeship provider performance against a range of measures. The measures which identify areas for concern are set out in the ESFA's Accountability Framework Technical Specification document. This framework applies to all apprenticeship provision, at all ages, and to all training providers from the academic year 2021 to 2022.

In this article, we look at what we've been doing to help apprenticeship providers prepare for the new framework, and the reports we've made available to those who want to stay one step ahead.

A hand writing the word accountability
Helping providers prepare for the new accountability framework

What is the accountability framework?

The accountability framework is a set of measures, designed to support those apprenticeship providers willing and able to improve in certain areas. It will be applied through monitoring of Individualised Learner Records (ILR) data, and feedback from employers and apprentices.

The indicators being measured will include:

  1. Outcomes from Ofsted reports

  2. Achievement rates

  3. Retention rates

  4. Withdrawals

  5. Employer and apprentice feedback

  6. Off-the-job training

  7. Learners who are past their planned end date

  8. Breaks in learning

  9. End point assessment organisation data

Providers with whom the ESFA has a cause for concern will be expected to respond positively and make improvements where necessary. And for those that don't, the ESFA will take action to enforce contractual requirements.

Off-the-job training

Monitoring off the job training will be a key focus under the new accountability framework. As yet however, there is no clear guidance as to what the ESFA will be looking for, or measuring providers against.

Rubitek's apprentice management platform features an off-the-job hours report. The report sets out where each learner is in their journey and how many off-the-job hours they have completed. Providers can see where learners are for their stage of apprenticeship, and if they are recording sufficient hours each week.

By monitoring off the job training hours, providers can intervene when learners fall behind, and even help them to catch up.

Timely Completions

The ESFA will monitor providers with learners who have gone past their planned end date by 180 days or more.

Rubitek's apprentice management platform features a planned end date report showing how close to planned end date each learner is. The report also highlights gaps in learning, by mapping attainment of the knowledge, skills and behaviours.

As a result, providers can plan the support needed to maximise the likelihood of timely completion.

Breaks in Learning

The ESFA will monitoring breaks in learning to ensure providers are not abusing the break in learning rule. Where learners are on a break in learning, it's vital they return to learning as soon as possible.

Rubitek's apprentice management platform features a break-in-learning report that highlights how long an apprentice has been temporarily withdrawn for. A RAG (Red, Amber, Green) also highlights the days since the temporarily withdrawn status was applied:

  1. 0 - 60 days = green

  2. 61-120 days = amber

  3. More than 120 days = red

The ESFA will be monitoring those providers with apprentices totalling 15% of the cohort, who are on a break in learning for 180 days or more. So, we think the RAG ratings applied in the report will highlight learner programs at risk of falling into this category.


Find out more about the Accountability Framework with our free guide...

In case you're in need of more information on how training providers can prepare for the new Accountability Framework, Rubitek prepared a handy guide which you can download for free here. To find out more about the range of Reports available in Rubitek's apprentice management platform, get in touch with us on 0330 133 0540 or email

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