Deliver Training with Confidence
Powerful software built for training providers delivering Apprenticeships, Skills Bootcamps, and other types of funded and commercial training.
Learning excellence for your entire provision.
Rubitek is a highly customisable solution that engages employers, keeps your learners on track, and lets your team get on with delivering high-quality training. It includes:
Initial assessment for prior learning
Learner onboarding
Sign-up paperwork
Data and insights
ILR and funding projections
Administration and compliance
e-Learning and e-Portfolio
With seamless integration and personalised support, Rubitek transforms your provision.

Efficient, effective and streamlined.
Say goodbye to paperwork overload, chasing agreements, and funding uncertainties. Say hello to Rubitek.
Our platform simplifies your workflows, and centralises data management to significantly reduce the administrative burden associated with funded training delivery.
Your teams are empowered to work more efficiently and effectively, saving valuable time and resources.

Why Choose Rubitek
Seamless Onboarding
Our onboarding teams provide expert guidance every step of the way.
ILR + Fundng Expertise
Know that your funding claims are right first time, every time.
Personalised Support
Local assistance, from dedicated support teams, when and how you need it.
Continued Investment
Your success fuels our innovation and drives our development.
What Our Customers Say
Skills Bootcamps
"The best decision we made for our Skills Bootcamp delivery - we can now track performance, and milestone achievement across mutliple contracts."
"Rubitek has transformed how we manage our apprenticeships and maximise completions. Less admin, more focus on learner success!"
"We used to spend 10 days every month generating and checking our ILR. With Rubitek, it's ready in seconds and right first time."
Funding Forecast
"With Rubitek's forecasting tools, we know what what our funding looks like, for the entire duration of our learner programs, not just the current funding year!"
Case Studies
Our partnerships with our customers have helped them achieve their goals, and created the foundation for their future success.
Find out more by reading our case studies, and then get in touch to see how we can work together.